Activities | Central Monchique Hotel, Caldas de Monchique Skip to Main

Experiences and activities between the mountains and the sea

Moto 4 ride in the Serra de Monchique

Experience a variety of exciting Monchique grounds, including hills, woods and incredible views


- Only one route;
- Thematic visit where we cover the following topics and visit the following places:
- General information on the extraction of cork, stopping in strategic places;
- Stop at strategic locations with views of the mountains to the south coast;
- Visit to the Barbelote casacata;
- Visit to the village of Barbelote (abandoned village);
- Stop at the top of Foia;
- Visit to the small mill (reconstructed water mill) with explanation of the whole process;
- Stop at a distillery where the proof of honey and medronho is made;
- Lunch at Rampa restaurant;
- Stop in the village for a short walk.

Available until the end of October

A trip through the traditional flavors of Monchique


- Bread with chorizo

- Tasting of honey and mango brandy

- Proof of local filling


Available all year round

 Local Experience

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